When you call the Pool Doctor to get an estimate, the owner of the company will personally visit you, evaluate your individual needs and make pool service recommendations specific to your pool. Because we have over 50 years of experience in pool repair, most times we are able to give an estimate on the spot. We do not call a subcontractor to get a quote in order to give you a price.
Unlike many pool companies, we do not provide monthly pool service such as cleaning or chemical balancing. We do not sell supplies, or build new pools. Our expertise is in major pool repair and resurfacing. Our goal is to make your pool look inviting and aesthetically pleasing so you can enjoy it with friends and family. We will work with you to find affordable solutions for all your pool repair needs whether it is a structural repair or adding a spa, we can do it. Many times pools may be 25 to 30 years old before they need major repair or upgrades. It is therefore imperative that you work with a pool contractor that understands how your pool was constructed. Pool companies whose primary business is servicing pools or pool services only do not have the knowledge or expertise to understand needed repairs.
Most of our pool surfaces have a ten (10) year warrantee labor and materials.
In the 70′s and 80′s every pool had the same marcite surface. This product had a five to ten year useful life. Because of the use of quartz and silica aggregates there is a wide variety of color options. We offer a ten year warrantee with most surfaces and many suppliers of pebble surfaces offer a lifetime warrantee on their products.
We have perfected our own method to repair bond beam cracks behind waterline tile which is the major cause of excessive water loss. Because we understand how your pool was constructed we can repair major problems inexpensively with long lasting guaranteed results. When you are replacing tile many customers choose to upgrade with a tile mosaic. WE sell these products at wholesale cost and do not charge for installation.
As a commercial pool contractor, we understand how pools are constructed. It’s because of that knowledge we have the ability to assess cracking and structural failures which commonly occur in swimming pools.
All paver installation is done by Pool Doctor employees. Because we guarantee our work, we do not hire outside contractors due to the additional costs and little control over the outcome.
In our 42 years of experience we have built, repaired or renovated thousands of pools in Brevard County. This experience allows us to renovate/remodel your pool making your backyard an object of beauty and enjoyment with little maintenance.
We can add a concrete spa to any existing pool. Because of building codes and permitting only a residential or commercial swimming pool contractor may do this work. Pool service contractors can repair existing pools but cannot build a new pool or spa.
We have a crack in our tile which leaks continuously. Can this problem be corrected?
Yes; we can remove the tile and repair the crack and warrant the repair for 10 years.
Can a spa be added to an existing pool?
Yes; because we are a licensed commercial pool contractor, we can get the appropriate engineering and permits needed to do the job.
Do you do paver decks?
Yes; we do our own paver decks. We do not sub contract.
Do you install salt generators?
Yes; when we do a major repair on a pool, we typically offer salt generators or any pool equipment at or near wholesale cost.
Can you resurface a pool without replacing the tile?
Yes; we can, as long as your tile is in good shape and free of cracks.
Does it matter if a company “subs” out the work?
YES!!! We do not use subcontractors for a number of reasons. Mainly, they can add additional cost which can increase the budget for you. Also, we supervise our employees carefully, that way we can offer the best warranty in Brevard County.